Saturday, November 26, 2016

Week 10...Stay at Home Mom

I read an article by Dennis Prager this week called, “Does a Full-time Homemaker Swap her Mind For a Mop,” in which he discuses the potential women have to continue to be educated once they choose to stay at home and raise children. This was interesting to me because I have been a Stay-at-Home mother for 22 years.  By being home, I feel that I have had many more opportunities to broaden my horizons than I would have if I had been employed outside the home.  By being home, I have had the ability to read much more than I ever did when I was working or going to school.  I am a member of a book club in which many of the members of my club hold master’s degrees and even a few PhD’s.  I am one of the few without at least a bachelor’s degree. ( Soon to be remedied!)  We read wonderful books, some classic literature, some self-help and others that are focused on current events and issues.  I feel that reading for and attending book club each month has been a tremendous opportunity for me to expand my knowledge and understanding of the world around me, history, and literature. If I had been working outside the home I doubt I would have had the opportunity to read as much as I have in the last 16 years.

As well, I have gained a lot of experience through opportunities I have had by volunteering at my children’s school and serving in my church callings.  I served as the Secretary/Treasurer for our Elementary school PTO for 5 years. Both of these experiences would not have been possible if I had been in the work force.  I believe that the most important work I can do is in my own home.  However, by being educated and informed, I offer my children a better mother. By being involved in activities in which I grow and serve, they get a happier mother.

If you would like to read this article follow this link.

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