Saturday, September 24, 2016

Week one...Multiply and replenish the earth!

This week in preparation for my class I watched a two part series called, The New Economic Reality: Demographic Winter. This documentary covered a lot of interesting statistics about birth rates around the world.  It discussed what factors into these rates and what some of the projected outcomes of lower birth rates will be. It was very interesting to consider what the future of our nation and the world may look like if the birth rates continue to drop as they have over the past few decades.  I loved that it discussed not only the numbers themselves but some of the underlying causes. It seems as if the media focuses more on population growth and over population.  However, from this documentary we learn that in reality, the world is functioning at a sub-replacement fertility rate.  Fertility rate is a better determination than birthrate. For the world population to replace itself, the fertility rate, which is the average number of children born over the lifetime of the average woman, must be 2.13. The world fertility rate in 1960 was 5, in 2014 it was 2.43 and dropping.  If you look at the U.S at 1.89, the U.K. at 1.89, Canada 1.6, most of Europe between 1.4 and 1.89 you see that we may have a problem!  If you look at South America it is just as bad with Chile and Brazil at 1.8.  The only places where the fertility rates are consistently higher that 2.13 are African nations and the Middle East and even those are dropping at an alarming rate.

The thing that I was most fascinated by was the economic effects of a lower or sub-replacement fertility rate.  I was aware of the problems concerning the aging baby boomer population and the loss of that work force and their support of systems such as social security.  But I had never really taken it any further than that!  Why?  I don't know, it makes so much sense!  But simply a higher world fertility rate will not solve the future economic problems. We need to do more than simply replace people. We need to replace what is called Human Capital—the knowledge, skills and information people have and contribute to society.  The capacity a child has to be valuable to the marketplace!  We need to replace the innovators, the scholars, all those who contribute to economic growth.

This information spoke to me. I love that the Proclamation on the Family is so clear that the “commandment to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force.”  I love that this proclamation was given 21 years ago this weekend.  It is a powerful witness to me that our Heavenly Father is aware of us and that he has Prophets that are watchmen on the tower to warn us and protect us!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Family is of God

This blog is a new adventure for me...we will see how it goes!  I will be sharing what I learn and impressions I gain while taking Family Relations 160 at BYU-Idaho.  This class will be covering important topics relating to the family.  Last semester I took Eternal Families and was continually reminded of the importance of Family in our Heavenly Father's plan for his children.  It will be interesting to see how Social Science views compare to those of the gospel!